Operating the unit
Operating the unit
10. WHO traffic light function
The unit categorises the blood pressure readings according to
the guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO). You
can use the coloured fields to read the categorisation of each
– Lower dot (Green) signifies normal value
– Middle dot (Yellow) signifies borderline value*
– Upper dot (Red) signifies high pressure*
* It is sufficient for one of the values to be raised.
** millimetres of mercury
WHO 2003
Systolic pressure
= Upper value
Diastolic pressure
= Lower value
from 140*
from 90*
120 to 139
80 to 89
below 120
below 80
The categorisation according to WHO is stored with the readings
and can be called up again together with the readings from the
11. Pulse pressure
The pulse pressure – not to be confused with the pulse rate –
can provide information on the elasticity of the blood vessels. A
rigid vascular system can have a negative effect on the cardi-
ovascular system. Studies show that the cardiovascular risk
increases if the pulse pressure value is consistently greater than
65 mmHg.
The heart works in two phases, the contraction phase (systole)
and the relaxation phase (diastole). The difference in pressure
between systole and diastole is referred to as the pulse pressure
or pulse amplitude. The higher the pulse pressure, the more
rigid the vessels can be.
If your pulse pressure is permanently above 55 mmHg, consult
your doctor.
High pulse pressure
above 65 mmHg
Increased pulse pressure
55 to 65 mmHg
Normal pulse pressure
below 55 mmHg
If the symbol appears more frequently, this must be discussed
with your doctor! Measurement with irregular pulse waves
should therefore be viewed as critical and repeated under more
favourable conditions.
12. Irregular pulses and cardiac arrhythmia
If the “ “ symbol for irregular pulses waves
flashes after a measurement, the unit has
recorded irregular pulses during the meas-
urement. This can be set off by an irregular
heartbeat (arrhythmia), disturbance caused by
movement, talking or even breathing in deeply.
The symbol is stored with the respective meas-