VisionLINE insulated air intake flue system
150mm (6”) insulated stainless pipe
Please read these assembly instruc�ons carefully prior to installa�on. To be installed by a qualified
installer only, please check local requirements for qualifica�on requirements. Incorrect installa�on is
a fire risk and will result in a loss of warranty.
Distance required to combus�ble materials
The minimum distance of clearance to a combus�ble material for the VisionLINE Safety Vent Air pipe
is 50mm. VL stove pipe (non-insulated double wall pipe used below the ceiling) must have a
minimum of 100mm clearance to combus�ble materials.
There is no clearance requirement for the outside air snorkel as it’s a cold air intake.
VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR pipe meets the requirements of the NS-EN 1856-1 and NS-EN 1858 steel
chimney test method, with regards to combus�on material for the T450 and G50. This system has
also been tested to Australian Standards 2918 Appendix F for Thermal Tes�ng of Flue Systems and
Flue System Clearances.
In Australia and New Zealand, this flue system can ONLY be used for solid fuel systems (Wood).
Before installa�on, planning is essen�al for an efficient, safe and cost-effec�ve installa�on. ONLY
VisionLINE safety vent AIR and VL Stove Pipe parts can be used for installa�on. Improvised parts or
blending with other types of flue systems is not allowed. This will void the warranty and is a fire risk.
It is the fireplace clearance requirements to combus�ble material that determines the flue loca�on
in the building. Always read the installa�on manual from the manufacturer of the fireplace in
conjunc�on with this installa�on manual for the flue pipe.
This installa�on manual covers the method whereby the safety vent is suspended and supported within the
roof structure and adjustable sec�ons are used. For a cleaner finish, adjustable sec�ons do not need to be
used and the weight of the flue can be supported by the unit and located using default methods. Ensure
appropriate bracing is used.
Flue height above roof
The flue pipe must extend 600mm above the highest point of the roof if within 3000mm. If outside
3000mm, the pipe must extend un�l 3000mm is achieved to the roof structure (see fig 1). The flue
pipe must con�nue un�l clear if it is within 3000mm of any structure, including but not limited to
second story, neighbouring proper�es, trees and any nearby structures.
FIG 1.