VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR Flue System
Thank you for purchasing a VisionLINE AIR flue system for you slow combustion fireplace. Please
read this manual carefully to ensure the correct installation of the flue system.
VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR has been tested to Appendix F of Joint Australian & New Zealand
Standard 2918 per report ASTF 20032 issued on 3rd April 2020
The flue system is tested according to Appendix B of AS/NZS2918:2018 on solid fuel appliances with
KW outputs up to 15KW including the Nectre range of fireplaces with the Visionline Safety Vent Air
Flue kit.
ASFT 21046 issued 26 May 2021 - Nectre Appendix B test
This system
designed to be used on insert fireplaces with an air cooled zero clearance box
Flue System Specifications
VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR pipe is a three-layer twist lock steel pipe with associated air supply
consis�ng of flues in Ø150 mm of 0.6 mm 316L stainless steel, insulated with 25 mm Morgan Frax
ceramic insula�on with a density of 128 kg / m³, air gap of 20 mm, 20 mm Morgan Frax ceramic
insula�on 128 kg / m³ and outer wall of 0.5 mm SS 304 stainless steel.
VisionLINE Stove Pipe AIR is a double layer pipe 150mm of 0.6mm 316L stainless steel with added
0.5mm carbon steel dra� assist layer and a 0.5mm 304L stainless outer layer gasket seal for air intake.
All pipe and termina�ons are powder coated in Forrest Paints sa�n black.
Your VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR system is covered by a five (5) year manufacturers warranty on
defects to the flue system due to manufacture. This does not cover damage due to incorrect
installation or abuse of the product beyond specification.
This flue system is fully approved to EN CE 1856-1 and EN CE 1859 which covers thermal clearance,
compression tes�ng, tensile strength, wind tunnel tes�ng and condensa�on (water vapor) ingress.
Visionline Safety Vent Air Flue kit can be used to replace similar flue kits that use a 6” ac�ve and rear
900mm flue shield, solid or decromesh casing below the ceiling penetra�on on appliances up to 15kW
under opinion le�er QD030 by Australian Solid Fuel Tes�ng dated 22 June 2021.