Fi�ng double wall stove pipe
Once the VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR pipe is in place, you can now fit the double wall stove pipe inside
the house to connect to your fireplace. Fit the Safety Vent AIR to stove pipe adaptor to the protruding
AIR flue pipe. You can now transi�on to the stove pipe. VL Stove pipe has crimped join connec�on and
comes in several lengths as well as telescopic adjustable sec�ons for easy fitment. It is necessary to
secure the stove pipe sec�ons together using black rivets (not supplied) once leveled.
If your fireplace has a shallow, inline or recessed flue spigot, it may be necessary to install a
spigot adapter
(VF-3-60-092) to connect the stove pipe to the fireplace. This adapter can be cut down
so there is minimal exposed 6inch showing. It is not recommended to have the stove pipe res�ng hard
on the appliance top.
Use of the air intake system
If you are using the air intake system for balanced flue wood fireplaces, the flue system is compa�ble
with direct spigot air intake.
If the fireplace uses a rear or floor entry intake system, a T piece sec�on can be used (Part number
VF-3-60-090) as the final VL stove pipe sec�on which can then be connected to the rear air inlet
either by flex pipe (not supplied) or the VisionLINE adjustable intake (part number VF-3-60-091). See
FIG 6.
IMPORTANT - For the air intake to work effec�vely, the insula�on inside the T-sec�on must be
fi�ed. Removal will result in a loss of vacuum to the unit and air starva�on for the fire may occur.
A flush spigot adapter may be required for some heaters in this case.
To fit this, remove the insula�on, fit the flush spigot adapter and replace the insula�on.
To connect the fresh air adapter with the stove, the supplied 100mm pipe is required to be cut to
suit and connected with the supplied adjustable elbow if required.
A floor entry connec�on to the heater may require the use of the 100mm adjustable elbow 0 - 90
degrees. 45 and 90 degree fixed elbows may be used to subs�tute if necessary.
If the unit does not have air intake capability, for maximum house efficiency it is recommended to
block off the air intake on the start pipe with a 25mm fibre insula�on rope.
Air flue adjustable snorkel
100mm adjustable elbow
0-90 degrees
Air flue stove pipe T-section