was removed in the first step. If this does not solve the problem,
replace the console.
Power failure:
Check that the sensor cable is properly connected.
Screen display not working properly:
Turn off the unit and restart the
engine. Turn on the unit and check that the display is back to normal. If
this does not solve the problem, replace the console.
No display:
Check that the voltage is correct and that the power supply
is 8V.
LCD screen flashes:
Check that the power is on and that the power
supply is 8V.
Light display is not clear:
Turn off the unit and check that the sensor
cable is properly connected. Turn the unit back on and check that the
backlit display is clear again. If this does not solve the problem, replace
the console.
USB player does not play music:
Check if the MP3 connection is
working. If it does not work properly, open the console to check that
the cables are properly connected to the amplifier. Re-insert the
USB drive to check if the music is playing. If this does not correct the
problem, replace the console.
The dongle does not work properly:
Check that the dongle is properly
attached. Open the console and check that the switch and cable are
not damaged. If this does not solve the problem, replace the console.
Console buttons do not work properly:
If a button does not work, open
the console and check that the button is not damaged. If the button is
damaged, replace the console. If more than one button does not work,
restart the console and check that the buttons work again. If this does
not correct the problem, replace the handle.
The buttons on the handle do not work properly:
Wash your hands,
dry them thoroughly and test the buttons again. If this does not solve
the problem, check that the handle cables are not damaged and that
they are properly connected to the connector. If this still does not solve
the problem, replace the handle.
Hand sensors are not working properly:
Wash your hands, dry
them well and test the hand sensors again. If this does not solve the
problem, check that the handle cables are not damaged and that they
are correctly connected to the socket. If this still does not solve the
problem, replace the handle.
• Lift the mat.
• Apply two to three drops of silicone oil along the length of the
• Turn on the treadmill and run for three minutes without
stressing the treadmill (i.e. without standing on the treadmill).
Regular maintenance will extend the life of the treadmill
and prevent injury!
Abnormal speed:
Take error code “E03” as an example (error codes
follow after troubleshooting).
No power:
Check that the fuse is connected and that the sensor cable
is connected to the console.
Motor failure:
Check that the motor needs to be replaced.
Motor burnt out:
Check if the console is also burnt out. Replace the
motor. If the check reveals that the console is also burnt out, replace it.
The tilt function does not work properly:
Check that the slope motor
and 3-pin cable are correctly connected to the console and follow these
• Remove the cable from the sensor connected to the console,
turn on the power and press the small button in the right corner
of the console for two seconds. The tilt motor will automatically
detect and the unit will reach the highest position. After
approximately three minutes, the unit will descend to the lowest
• When the tilt motor has reached the lowest position, the
automatic detection is finished. After the automatic detection,
reconnect the console by reconnecting the sensor cable that
Totally Foldable TR-50i Loopband
+31 (0)74-7600219
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