© Virtual Access 2017
GW7304 Series User Manual
Issue: 1.9
Page 234 of 336
Firewall port forwards
Port Forwards are also known as Redirects. This section creates the redirects using DNAT
(Destination Network Address Translation) with Netfilter. The redirects are from the
firewall zone labelled as wan to the firewall zone labelled as lan. These zones can refer to
multiple external and internal interfaces as defined in the Firewall Zone settings.
Figure 124: The firewall port forward page
Web Field/UCI/Package Option
Web: name
UCI: firewall.<redirect label>.name
Opt: name
Sets the port forwarding name. For Web UI generated redirects the
<redirect label> takes the form of @redirect[x], where x is an integer
starting from 0.
Web: Protocol
UCI: firewall.<redirect label>.proto
Opt: proto
Defines layer 4 protocol to match incoming traffic.
Match either TCP or UDP packets.
Match TCP packets only.
Match UDP packets only.
Web: Source
UCI: firewall.<redirect label>.src
Opt: src
Specifies the traffic source zone. It must refer to one of the defined
zone names. When using the web interface, this is set to WAN initially.
You can change this option through the web interface by editing the
redirect after it is created.
Web: External port
UCI: firewall.<redirect
Opt: src_dport
Specifies the incoming TCP/UDP port or port range to match. This is
the incoming destination port specified by the external host. Port
ranges specified as start:stop, for example, 2001:2020.
Web: Destination
UCI: firewall.<redirect label>.dest
Opt: dest
Specifies the traffic destination zone, must refer to one of the defined
zone names.
You can change this option through the web interface by editing the
redirect after it is created.
Web: Internal IP address
UCI: firewall.<redirect
Opt: dest_ip
Specifies the internal (LAN) IP address for the traffic to be redirected