13F4, 13A4, 13A4.B - 13F7, 13A7, 13A7.B
only at certain times of the day.
Two time bands are envisaged for the 24-hour period, each
with a resolution of 30 minutes. The start and end of the interval
can be specified in increments of 30 minutes:
00:00, 00:30, 01:00, 01:30, … 22:30, 23:00, 23:30.
For additional flexibility, the two time bands can be pro-
grammed separately for weekdays (Monday to Friday) and
for weekends or holidays, or in any event for most days not
regarded as full working days (typically Saturday and Sunday).
There is no management of holidays such as Christmas,
Easter Monday, etc.
The codes for all three types of function (lock, F1 and F2)
have common start and end numbers, although the contents
of the three tables can obviously be programmed differently.
The codes not included in the selected set remain permanently
active. Only the selected codes are subject to time limits. The
service can be disabled temporarily by means of programming
procedure 5.1. In this case the specified codes are never
active, while the others remain permanently active.
The end must be higher than the start, otherwise the configura-
tion will not be valid. For example, Start = 16:00 and End =
16:00 would not be valid, and neither would Start = 16:00 and
End = 10:30.
To change the time, press
. A double arrow appears to the
right of the minutes, indicating that buttons
be used to adjust the time
by increments of 30 minutes. Alternatively use buttons
to set the time only. If need be, buttons
can be used to set the minutes.
Default: not programmed
5.5 - Change indoor unit configurations
This function is only available for Vertical Installation.
For each indoor unit installed in the system, it is possible to
configure operating options grouped in four segments:
Programmable buttons, Call groups and Landing call
. Certain
indoor units have a fifth segment, namely
audio/video levels
. To
carry out this procedure, the devices being programmed (indoor
units) must be connected to the system and be already identi-
fied with a code. The electronic unit searches for the first device
(indoor unit), identified by ID 1, and analyses the type. Us but-
to select one of the 200 devices. If you want to
access a particular ID directly, enter the number and press the
button to select it.
Having located the required device, press the
button to
access its change configuration mode. The configuration re-
sides entirely in the device, i.e. the electronic unit shows only
what is present, it does not store anything inside herself. The
configuration options vary according to the type of device. With
changes mode activated, use the
buttons to
navigate the parameters, and the
button to confirm any
changes made. For the area of the
means No and
means Yes.
Note: the indoor units designed or new performance levels in-
troduced after the year 2015 are not supported.
5.6 - Button 6120
This function is only available for Vertical Installation.
This section permits configuring 6120 button modules. An ID
code must already have been assigned to Module 6120, see
product instructions.
The procedure is similar to that for the
Programmable buttons
of the indoor units.
Given the complexity of the configurations, and the lack
of support for the Horizontal Installation, it is recommended to
use the PC software.