Graphic User Interface (GUI) for IP Speed Dome
1 - Select “Enable”.
2 - RTSP Port: Access port of the streaming media. The default number is 554.
3 - RTSP Address: The RTSP address you need to input in the media player.
4 - Check “Enable anonymous viewer login…”.
5.5.7 UPnP
If you enable this function, you can quickly access the camera via LAN and you don’t need to configure the port mapping
when the camera is connected to the WAN via the router.
Go to Config
UPnP: Select “Enable UPNP” and then input friendly name.
After you enable it and set the UPnP name, you will see the UPnP name by clicking “Network” on the desktop of your
computer which is in the same local area network. Then double click this name to access the camera quickly.
5.5.8 E-mail
If you need to trigger E-mail when an alarm happens or IP address is changed, please set the E-mail here first.
Go to Config