Vig395P Motherboard Manual
Problems Operating Add-in Boards
Problems related to add-in boards are usually related to improper board installation or
interrupt and address conflicts. Go through the checklist below to see if you can
correct the problem. If the problem persists after you have checked and corrected all of
these items, contact the board vendor's customer service representative.
Did you install the add-in board according to the manufacturer’s instructions?
Check the documentation that came with the board. Are all cables installed properly?
The following items are suggestions for troubleshooting problems related to PCI/ISA
legacy (non-Plug and Play) add-in boards.
If the PCI/ISA board uses an interrupt, run Set-up and set the interrupt that is
being used by the PCI/ISA board to Used by PCI/ISA Card. Please refer to the
BIOS manual for details of how to do this.
If the PCI/ISA legacy board uses memory space between 80000H - 9FFFFH,
run Set-up and set conventional memory to 256 K.
If the PCI/ISA legacy board uses shared memory between C8000H - DFFFH,
run Set-up and enable shared memory for the appropriate memory space.