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3.2 Assembly of the flooring panels
Flooring panels with stainless steel covering plate:
The flooring panels are equipped with a sealing gasket (R) on
the tongue side at the underlapping point. Ensure that this
seal is not damaged.
For flooring panels with one or two sided connections, fill
the points marked on the drawing with sealant.
Do not place weight on the panel to be assembled. Push the
flooring panels together and tighten the external cam lock
on one side. Push the opposite sides together, using a crow
bar if necessary, taking care not to damage the part. Using
the drill hole (S) provided in the surface of the top section,
drill a hole in the end of the plate (T) and rivet the
overlapping section.
Drilling lubricants:
e.g. Jokisch HDS 400, Chesterton 380
Closing the holes on cam locks
(See picture next page).
Use PU sealant.
1000 N flooring:
Plug ø 15 mm stainless steel
Using a steel hammer may cfrome rusting.
- pound in with rubber hammer