Checking the flue system for unrestricted flow and tightness
Checking the burner (record values on page 107 of the report)
Checking the safety valve function
Checking the firm seating of electrical connections
Matching the control unit to the heating system
The control unit must be matched to the equipment
level of the system. Various system components are
recognised automatically by the control unit and the
relevant codes are set automatically.
For selecting the appropriate scheme:
System examples
Vitodens and Vitoladens
For individual coding steps, see page 40.
Adjusting the heating curves
The heating curves illustrate the relationship between
the outside temperature and the boiler water or flow
To put it simply, the lower the outside temperature, the
higher the boiler water or flow temperature.
The boiler water or flow temperature in turn affects the
room temperature.
Settings in the delivered condition:
Slope = 1.4
Level = 0
If the heating system includes heating circuits with mix-
ers, then the flow temperature of the heating circuit
without mixer is higher by a selected differential (8 K in
the delivered condition) than the flow temperature of
the heating circuits with mixers.
The differential temperature is adjustable via coding
address "9F" in the
Commissioning, inspection, maintenance
Checking all connections on the heating water side for leaks
5686 293 GB