66550060-EN - V1.0 - 06/02/14
IPVK - IPVKC Series IP videokit
IPVK-IPVKC - Installation handbook
This tab (Fig. 7) provides information about the fi mware ver-
sion, allows fi mware updates and to upload files to be used for
melody or as the background picture.
Under this section you can update the videointercoms fi mware:
first select the file then press the upload button and follow the
on screen instructions.
Under this section you can upload a file: first sel t the file then
press the upload button and follow the on screen instructions.
The file size must be no more than 2Mb, if the file extension is
“JPG” or “PNG” the file can be used as background picture while
if the extension is “WAV” or “MP3” the file will be used as melody.
From the video intercoms user interface it will be possible to
select these file .
This tab is for technical support purposes. If necessary, it is pos-
sible to download the log file to send to the technical support in
case of malfunctioning.
If necessary you can change the access credentials (username
& password).
To change the access credentials, from the login page (Fig. 1)
first enter the current user name and password then click on the
button “Change login data” .
In the page “Changing user data” fill in the equired fields
• New username: Enter the new user name
• New password: Enter the new password
• Confi m new password: Enter again the password above
After completing, click on the “Change login data” and wait to
be redirected to the login page. The new access credentials
must be used to enter.
Fig. 7
Info & Updates
Fig. 8
Log file
Fig. 9
Change Login Data
Art. KRV98-KRV96
3.5" IP Videointercom
Web Server