66550060-EN - V1.0 - 06/02/14
IPVK - IPVKC Series IP videokit
IPVK-IPVKC - Installation handbook
It is recommended that this device is installed by an engineer
with an understanding of Ethernet installations and TCP/IP
protocols. In the case of installations using existing networks it
maybe necessary to request information from the network ad-
More than one unit can be installed on a system. Each unit must
have a unique IP address which is not currently in use on that
The default network parameters are:
• Static IP Address:*
• Subnet mask:
• User Name:
• Password:
* If the videointercom is provided in a two way videokit the default ip address for the “videointercom 1” is “” while for
the “videointercom 2” is “”.
If the default IP address on the device is free and in range with your network then, from a PC, tablet or smartphone connected to
the same network, open a browser and enter the URL “”.
Alternatively if the default IP address is not compatible with your network it will be necessary to change this firs . A guide to this
can be found under the “Art
KRV98-KRV96 Hardware setup” section on page 26. The internal webserver will show the login page
of Fig. 1
Enter the user name and password then start to setup the IP Videointercom thr
ough the diff
erent tabs.
In case of problems or mistakes, the videointercom can be restored to the factory preset following the procedure described in the
“IP videointercom restore to factory preset” section on page 24
This tab allows the editing of all network parameters Fig. 2.
“Enable DHCP Client” allows the unit to obtain a dynamic IP ad-
dress from the network. It is better to leave it disabled and use
a fi ed IP address.
Edit the fields of the subsection “Network configu ation” (Refer
“Network configu ation” sections on page 19 and 35 of this
manual) according to the network requirements then press the
“Configu e” button followed by “Apply configu ation”.
A short countdown signals that the device is updating the
“Enable Check Alive” enables the device to constantly check the
ethernet connectivity.
When this option is set, the module will repeatedly check con-
nection with the IP address entered and if connection is lost will
force a reboot of the unit. If you enable this setting you must set
the IP address to ping, the number of connection attempts and
the time interval between the attempts. Enable this function
when network connection problems could exist.
After changing this setting, press then the “Configu e” button followed by “Apply configu ation”.
A short countdown signals that the device is updating the changes.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Network Parameters
Art. KRV98-KRV96
3.5" IP Videointercom
Web Server