66250756-EN - V2.1 - 05/11/19
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4000 Series GSM Lite Audio Intercom - Technical Manual
4000 Series GSM Lite Audio Intercom
Programming the GSM Intercom
Remember an optional
can be included at the end of the message to receive confirmation of the stored numbers, like so:
The following reply will be received from the GSM LITE:
MEM OPEN 003 = 01912243174
MEM OPEN 004 = 01912241558
MEM OPEN 005 = 07771234567
MEM OPEN 006 = 01912241559
MEM OPEN 007 = 07897123456
Remember to include
where appropriate. In the example above if locations 001 and 002 already had numbers programmed
then the dial to open numbers (DTO) n1, n2, n3, n4 and n5 would be stored in the GSM LITE starting from location 003 up to 007.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It should be noted that when programming multiple dial to open numbers (DTO) using this command the
GSM LITE starts checking for free memory locations from 001 to see if there is enough available space to store them. So if the
number of DTO numbers being programmed is greater than the number of available locations the GSM LITE will skip to find the
next available location that has enough space to store the numbers.
For example: the DTO locations from 001 to 003 and locations
from 006 to 008 may be occupied with DTO numbers, location
004, location 005 are available and locations from 009 onwards
are available (refer to table on the right). If the intention is to
store three DTO numbers: 01912243174 (n1), 01912241558 (n2),
07771234567 (n3). The following text message would be sent to
1111STR” 01912243174”,” 01912241558”,” 07771234567”?
The GSM LITE will reply with the following text:
MEM OPEN 009 = 01912243174
MEM OPEN 010 = 01912241558
MEM OPEN 011 = 07771234567
DTO location
Location status (free/occupied)
occupied location
occupied location
occupied location
free location
free location
occupied location
occupied location
occupied location
free location
free location
free location
In the example above although the DTO locations 004 and 005 are available the programming command sent to the GSM LITE is to
store three DTO numbers. As the quantity of DTO numbers to be stored is greater than the number of memory locations available
from location 004 the GSM LITE will look for the next set of free locations that is able to accommodate the three DTO numbers. So
in this example the GSM LITE will bypass locations 004 and 005 as there isn’t sufficient space to store the three DTO numbers, it will
also bypass locations 006, 007 and 008 as these locations are already occupied. However the locations from 009 onwards are free
to use so the GSM LITE will store the first DTO number (n1) in location 009 and then the next DTO number (n2) in location 010 and
so on.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is also possible that when storing multiple DTO numbers using the STR code a start location, nnn, can be
included in the programming command i.e. 1111STRnnn”n1”,”n2”,”n3”,”n4”,”n5”. However when a start location is included in the
command, while the GSM LITE will store the DTO numbers from this location, any memory location after it that already has a DTO
number stored will be overwritten with the new DTO number.
Using the same details from the previous example: The DTO locations from 001 to 003 and 006 to 008 are already occupied with DTO
numbers, location 004 and 005 are available. Locations from 009 onwards are also available (refer to previous table). If the intention
is to store the following three DTO numbers: 01912243174 (n1), 01912241558 (n2), 07771234567 (n3) starting from location 004. The
following text message would be sent to the GSM LITE:
The GSM LITE will reply with the following text:
MEM OPEN 004 = 01912243174
MEM OPEN 005 = 01912241558
MEM OPEN 006 = 07771234567
In this example the 1st and 2nd DTO numbers 01912243174 (n1) and 01912241558 (n2) would be stored in the available locations
004 and 005 as expected, however the 3rd DTO number 07771234567 (n3) would overwrite the number that was already stored in
location 006.