Two functions must be assigned from this screen:
1 .
The MATRIX INPUT must be specified for each group of
camera inputs.
This is the number assigned to the video
input BNC connector on the rear panel of the switcher card
The matrix input number is selected by pressing the
+ (plus) and
(minus) keys on the numerical keypad.
2 .
The CAMERA NUMBERS for each input must be specified.
Camera numbers displayed steadily are included in the group
assigned to the specified input;
flashing camera numbers
are excluded.
insert a camera number, move the flashing
arrow cursor to the desired camera number, then press the
To perform a bulk insert, move the cursor to
the first camera number to be included.
Hold down the
SHIFT key and press INSERT.
This inserts all cameras from
the cursor to the end of the list.
To delete a camera number, move the flashing arrow cursor
to the desired camera number, then press the DELETE key.
To perform a bulk delete, move the cursor to the first
camera number to be deleted.
Hold down the SHIFT key and
press DELETE.
This deletes all cameras from the cursor to
the end of the list.
0 to 1024 (0 is used for unoccupied inputs) )
cursor to the end of the list.
For example, in the daisy-chained units in Figure 3-2, video inputs
33 through 40 are assigned as combiner inputs for cameras 1 through
103 from Remote Unit 1.
To program Remote Unit 2 accordingly, set
MATRIX INPUT on Menu 14 to 033 using the + (plus) or (minus)
Assuming that all camera numbers are displayed steadily, move
the cursor to camera number 104.
Hold down the SHIFT key and press
This includes cameras numbered 1 through 103 and excludes
camera numbers 104 and above.
33 is complete, press ENTER.
When the programming of matrix input
Page 14
Remote Switcher Programming
27 May 92