Local Alarm Connections
The Vi422 supports up to 64 alarms, 32 local alarms and 32 receiver alarms. “Receiver” alarms are alarm
devices connected to receivers. The alarm status from receiver alarms is communicated to the
422 through
receiver jack J4. “Local” alarms are direct inputs from alarm devices and are connected to jack J2. Perform
the following procedure to connect alarm devices to the alarm input jack.
Select the following from the accessory kit (note that the shields and ferrules are identified in Figure 5 on
page 13):
37-pin connector
inner and outer shields
ferrule (the largest one in the kit)
appropriate number of contact pins.
Route wires from each alarm device to the V1422.
Route the wires from all alarm devices through the largest ferrule available in the accessory kit (this ferrule
is shown in Figure 5b).
Using wire strippers, remove approximately 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) of insulation from the alarm wires.
Using a crimping tool, attach a contact pin to each of the wires. Figure 7 on page 15 may be used as a
guide, although the cable and pin configuration shown are not applicable for this section.
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6. Make the alarm input connections to the 37-pin connector by inserting the appropriate pin into the
appropriate receptacle. Note that the pin number designates the alarm input used in VI422 programming
and operation. For example, the alarm device connected to pin 28 is identified as alarm 28. Ground
connections must be made to pins 33-37. Refer to Figure 4.
Figure 4
7. Insert the inner shield into the two grooves of the connector. Refer to Figure 5a. (Although Figure 5
illustrates a
connector with multiple-conductor cable, the steps are the same for the 37-pin
Close the shield. Insert the outer shield into the three grooves of the connector. Refer to Figure 5b and c.
Close the outer shield. Refer to Figure 5d.
Slide the ferrule until it covers the end of the closed shields. Crimp the larger end of the ferrule.
10. Connect the assembled cable to jack J2 on the Vi422 rear connector panel. Refer to Figure 3 on page 9.
11. Connect the other end of the wires per the instruction manuals for the alarm devices.
12 Installation
X826 Rev 798 NOVA V1422