EC Conformity Declaration
EC Conformity Declaration
in conformity with
EC Directive
98/37/EC and
Kverneland Group Gottmadingen N.V.
Industriepark 312
78244 Gottmadingen
declares on its own responsibility that the product
to which this declaration relates, comply with the relevant essential
health and safety requirements of the
EC Directives 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC*
The following standards have been invoked for proper implementation
of the health and safety requirements quoted in the EC Directive:
DIN EN ISO 12 100-1:2003
DIN EN ISO 12 100-2:2003
DIN EN ISO 4254-1:2005
DIN 11001-3:1998
Uwe Kellermeier
Kverneland Group Gottmadingen N. V.
Gottmadingen, 15.08.2009
Uwe Kellermeier
Kverneland Group Gottmadingen N.V. Executive Board
EC authorised representative**
Type plate and CE marking
CondiMaster 6821 / 7621
Fanex 683 / 763
8068 / 8076
and accessories
* The implement fulfils the material requirements of both Directives. Directive 98/37/EC shall apply until 28.12.2009. The Directive 2006
42/EC is valid from 29.12.2009.
** Applicable to EC Directive 2006/42/EC only