Assembly of distribution tube (left)
Insert the plastic distribution tube into plug G 1“ with the opposite end than the rectangular cut out on the distribution tube, then insert it into
reduction G 1 1/2“/ 1/2“ a screw together. Insert the whole set of the distribution tube (with plug and reduction) into the do lower distance orifice
of the right end section and screw up (plug welded on the tube must be directed upwards).
Installation of a partitioned horizontal draught interrupter
List of parts needed
1 pc
horizontal draught interrupter – front part
1 pc
horizontal draught interrupter – rear part
4 pc
screws M8 with nuts and washers
21 pc
of sheet metal screws 4.8 (sizes with 10, 12 links)
23 pc
of sheet metal screws 4.8
(size with 15 links)
2 pc
Silicone sealant/binder (from manufacturer)
Installation procedure
Cover the top joining surface of the boiler body with silicone sealant/binder
Fasten the horizontal draught interrupter – front part
Put the supports on the bends of the horizontal draught diverter (the bend of supports is directed downwards).
Secure it to the boiler body using 4 bolts M8 with nuts and washers
After the boiler is completely covered with its jacket, affix the horizontal draught interrupter – rear part onthe horizontal interrupter – front
part, and secure with aid of requisite number of sheet metal screws
Note: at the 8-section the horizontal draught diverter is compact.
Installation of the horizontal draught interrupter
Installation of burner
List of parts needed
1 pc
burner complete assembly
4 pcs
screw M6
4 pc
of washer Ø 6
4 pc
of nut M6
Boiler binder sealant
Installation procedure
Combustion chamber of the boiler’s body is to be cleaned up from eventual impurities.
Put the boiler cement on the contact surface between the burner insulation and boiler drum.
Burner is to be inserted into the combustion chamber of the boiler’s body and secured using 4 screws M6 with nuts and washers.
Mount the lighting burner and watching electrode to the burner plate with gas distributor and nozzles (on one side of the burner gas
distributor there is mounted a blind flange. The opposite end is prepared for connection of a complete gas fitting. Remount the blind flange
from the right or left side depending on the selected side of gas connection).
Thermal insulation of the boiler body
List of parts needed
1 pc
tightening sling with a clasp
1 pc
insulation Rotaflex L (2900, 3200, 3650 mm) as per size of the boiler
Installation procedure
Wrap the insulation over the perimeter of the boiler vessel.
Remaining insulation to be utilized for upper part of the horizontal draught interrupter before the upper lid of the jacket is secured.
Cut out the insulation from: intake and discharge of the heating water, sensor well, check valve and burner places.
Front part
Rear part
metal sheet