TM30 User Manual v. X1.0
6.2 Near cable mode and close range probe
Near cable
is a very versatile mode. It can be used to trace wires and cables up to 40cm
distance and even inside structures or big bunch of wires or cables.
Near cable
works nicely when open (unconnected) cross connection wires need to be traced or when
telecom pairs, electric wiring or antenna cables need to be located and traced.
Near cable
mode is based on inductive tracing in which a magnetic field created by a
current running in a wire is detected with the
close range antenna. The stronger
the current, the higher
bar display and louder the signal can be heard with the
receiver. Usually there is however a precise minimum point when the close range probe
is right above the right wire or cable.
The location of the close range probe and also
the most sensitive receiving area is marked
with the small grooves on the top and bottom
of the nose. This also means that in
mode the sensitivity is best at the top or
bottom of the nose, not at the tip of the nose,
as seen in the figure to the right.
Figure 6.2.a. The sensitive area of the close range probe in Near cable mode.
Due to the specific directional field shape of
Near cable
mode, receiver nose has to be
taken close to the target wire or cable so that either the top or bottom side groove
marked sensitive spot is closest to the target, as seen in the below figures. Figures show
also the minimum point when the close range probe is right above the right wire or
Figure 6.2.b. Two right ways and one wrong way how to use receiver in Near
cable mode and corresponding field shapes with the minimum spot.