TM30 User Manual v. X1.0
7.1.2 Tracing wires pairs at cable ends or joints
Task: A pair needs to be recognized at the end of an open cable or joint.
Connect transmitter to the traced pair.
Open wires
mode with receiver and move receiver nose close to the
exposed wires.
Right pair gives the strongest signal. If the wires ends of the right pair are apart
enough from each other, a signal minimum can be detected between the wires.
7.2 Tracing underground cables and routes
7.2.1 Neutral electric cables and telecom cables
Task: The route of a neutral electric cable or telecom cable must be
traced above ground.
Connect one transmitter output terminal to one or more wires of the cable. Often
better tracing result is achieved if the same wires are grounded at the other end.
Connect transmitter second output terminal to a good grounding. If possible, use
ground pick and press it deep into damp soil for best earth connection.
Cable route
mode with receiver.
Trace the cable route by following the signal minimum in the receiver nose
To determine cable depth (h), turn the receiver to 45°
angle right above ground and trace until a second
minimum is found perpendicular to the cable route.
Cable depth is same as the distance (d) between the
two minimums, as shown in the figure.