TM30 User Manual v. X1.0
Near cable method
Connect transmitter between the cable’s phase (L) and neutral (N) wires.
Near cable
mode with receiver. Use the receiver in upright position or
upside down as in the figure, so that either nose groove spot is close to the floor.
Trace the cable route by following the signal minimum.
It is usual that changes in cable depth and cable’s back and forth looping affect
how clearly the minimum can be detected.
Cable route method
Connect one transmitter output terminal to the cable shield and second output to
a good grounding, e.g. to the feeding cable’s protective earth PE wire.
Cable route
mode with receiver. Trace the cable route by following the
signal minimum in the receiver nose direction.
Cable route
method works better especially with cables that have an open fault
(cut wire).
Task: A short circuit in a floor heating cable needs to be traced.
Connect transmitter between the
wires of the cable (in the below figure
phase and neutral are shorted). Leave the third wire unconnected.
Near cable
mode with receiver. Again, use the receiver upside down, so
that its nose topside groove marked spot is close to the floor.
Monitor signal strength along the cable route. At fault spot signal gets stronger
and then quickly weakens or disappears.