CT33 User Manual v. X1.0 26
Floor heating cables and their faults
12.1 Preliminary inspection of the target area
As a first step it is always recommendable to perform a systematic inspection at the cable assembly area,
assembly method as well as fault type.
Typical reasons to floor heating faults
Cable has been damaged during assembly. In time heating current has gradually burned the conductors,
resulting in an open or short-circuit fault. There may be several faults in the same cable.
There is an air pocket in the concrete, causing cable over heating and eventually an open or short-circuit.
The floor structure has changed, e.g. fallen down, causing cracks and damage to cable.
Renovation work such as drilling or moving fixed furniture has resulted in a latent or immediate damage.
When and how the fault appeared
- Did it blow a fuse (short circuit)
- Did the cable just stop heating (cut cable)
- Did a residual current device trip (ground leak)
- Has there been renovation or other changes made recently or some time before
Measuring cable resistances and capacitances
Make sure that cable wires are not live and disconnect all from the feeding cable.
Measure resistances and capacitances between all heating cable wires and shield and compare them to
normal values of an intact cable (L-N / L-PE and N-PE)
In case the heating cable is shorted to concrete reinforcement, it is worth measuring all wires against the
building’s earthing too.
Resistance values usually reveal the fault type and which wires are affected. Capacitances may help defining
the fault distance from the measuring point.