NetSure Rectifier Module User Manual (UM1R483500e)
Rev. R
Surge Protection: Compliance with EN61000-4-5 Installation Class 4, and capable of withstanding
surges per ANSI/IEEE C 62.41 1999 Category B3 across the input terminals.
This level of protection is a widely used standard for telecommunications power equipment. As
with all such equipment, it is the end user's responsibility to provide an adequately sized Surge
Suppression Device at the commercial power service entrance of the building that reduces all incoming
surges to levels below the classes/categories stated for the equipment.
Ventilation Requirements: The rectifiers are fan cooled and utilize front to back forced ventilation. A
rectifier must be mounted so ventilating openings are not blocked and temperature of the air entering
the rectifier does not exceed the Operating Ambient Temperature Range stated above.
Single Rectifier Audible Noise:
At 25 °C ≤ 53 dB(A) with fan in high speed; Measurement made at 0.6 m distance in front of rectifier
and at same horizontal line of the middle of rectifier.
At 25 °C ≤ 45 dB(A) with fan in low speed; Measurement made at 1 m distance in front of rectifier
and at same horizontal line of the middle of rectifier.
EMI/RFI Suppression:
Rectifiers operating in an approved rectifier Mounting Shelf conform to the requirements of FCC
rules Part 15, Subpart B, Class B for Radiated and Conducted emissions limits.
Rectifiers operating in an approved rectifier Mounting Shelf conform to the requirements of
European Norm, EN55022, Class B for Radiated and Conducted emissions limits.
Compliance Information:
Safety Compliance: This unit meets the requirements of UL 60950-1, Standard for Information
Technology Equipment, and is UL Recognized as a power supply for use in Telephone, Electronic Data
Processing or Information Processing Equipment. This unit meets the requirements of CAN/CSA 22.2,
No. 60950-00 and is tested and Certified by UL ("c UR")as a Component Type Power Supply.
The rectifiers are RoHS compliant, 5/6.
Standard Features
Type of Power Conversion Circuit: High frequency.
Constant Voltage Mode: For any initial output voltage setting from 47 VDC to 58 VDC, output voltage
remains constant regardless of load. This is the normal operating condition, in which loads are being
supplied and batteries are float charged. Rectifiers operate in the Constant Voltage Mode unless load
increases to the point where the product of load current and output voltage is approximately 4000 W,
3500 W, or 3200 W (depending on rectifier model).
Constant Power Mode: As load increases above approximately 4000 W, 3500 W, or 3200 W (depending
on rectifier model) (non-adjustable), output current continues to increase, but output voltage decreases
as required to maintain constant output power. Rectifiers operate in the Constant Power Mode unless
load continues to increase to the point where the current limit setting is reached.
Constant Current Mode: If load increases to the current limit setting, output voltage decreases linearly
to maintain output current at the current limit setting.