5. Remove the hook and the hook block by
pulling the chain out through the hook
You do not need to open the hook block to
remove or to replace the chain.
6. Remove the chain from the chain hoist by driving the motor in the direction UP.
7. Insert the new chain by using the plastic
chain insertion tool.
7.1 Attach the chain to the chain insertion
7.2 Place the chain insertion tool to the
chain output on the load side of the
chain fall.
7.3 Feed the chain insertion tool into the
chain guide.
Insert the chain insertion tool into
the chain hoist and guide it through
the chain guide in the correct
position. The tip of the chain
insertion tool should point towards
the chain sprocket (towards the
back of the chain hoist). Feeding
the chain insertion tool into the
chain guide in an incorrect position
can damage the chain sprocket.
7.4 Drive the motor in the direction UP so
that it pulls the chain inside the chain
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toestemming van Verlinde S.A.S. Copyright 2020 © Verlinde S.A.S. Alle rechten voorbehouden.