Live eftpos integrated User Guide
Charge Card
American Express, Diners Club or JCB card
Credit Card
Mastercard, Visa card or UnionPay International
CCV Number (Card Check Value)
An additional security feature used in transactions where the
cardholder is not present (MOTO or ECI).
Debit Card
A card that gives the customer access to a cheque or savings
account. The customer must be present when accessing
these account types. Details cannot be hand-keyed into an
EFTPOS terminal.
Electronic Fall Back (EFB)
The ability to continue performing transactions on the
terminal when the communication with the Live eftpos
System has been lost.
Merchant ID
An eight digit number used to obtain an authorisation code
for credit card transactions. This number is unique to your
terminal, and can be found on any of the following:
A receipt printed on your terminal.
Your merchant statement.
Merchant Password
A merchant password is required for refunds, voids and
certain terminal functions. Ensure you keep your password
secure so only authorised personnel can access these
MOTO (Mail Order or Telephone Order)
Transactions initiated by Mail or Telephone are known as
This is only available for approved merchants.
PAN (Primary Account Number)
The unique payment card number (typically for credit or debit
cards) that identifies the issuer and the particular cardholder
PIN (Personal Identification Number)
A number used as a security access code for EFTPOS
Pre-Auth ID
The number used to identify a Pre-Authorisation record.
TRAN (Transaction Reference Number)
The transaction reference number is an invoice number,
found on your terminal receipt.