Instructions for Use Evone
• Jet Mode
- User needs to assemble the Evone Breathing System and Tritube when indicated.
- User needs keep Tritube tip in ambient air when indicated.
- The following items are tested:
• Pressure vessel (10 Jet pulses are generated (1.5 bar, 60 bpm))
• Jet valves
• Inspiration %
• Jet port pressure sensor
Figure 5.3 Startup Check test selection
Test outcomes (‘succesfull’ or ‘failed’) are indicated to the user.
Warning: Tritube is considered ‘non-sterile’ after use during the startup check.
Do not use in a patient afterwards. Risk on infection.
5.1.3 Additional Checks
Additional checks are recommended to perform manually to test specific alarms. First, choose
random patient settings and start ventilation in FCV
mode with the artificial lung before gene-
rating the following alarms:
• High Pressure Alarm: Hit lung at end of inspiration.
• Disconnection Alarm (Leakage respiratory circuit alarm): Disconnect the Evone airway
adapter from the Evone Cartridge.
• Obstruction Alarm: Kink the Evone Breathing Tubing. Kink the ventilation line between
filter and Tritube during Inspiration phase.
• Power Indication: Unplug power cord from mains and check if power icon in the top right
corner of the main screen changes from ‘plug’ towards ‘battery’, indicating that the device is
running on battery’.
• CO
Alarm: Add CO
gas into ventilation line via HMEF Luer port or via test lung.
After triggering the high EtCO
alarm, remove CO
flow to trigger low EtCO