Pressure sensor (3 wires version):
Pin C2: Input signal from pressure sensor (0-5V)
Pin A1: +5V
sensors power supply
(use Pin A8 for Sn2106 or older)
Pin A3: Sensors GND
NOTE: If your sensor has only 2 wires (usually resistance pressure sensors), connect one wire to the GND (pin A3),
another wire to analog input (pin C2) and use pull-up resistor b5V (pin A1) and the signal (pin C2).
Resistor value must be calculated and depending on the sensor‘s resistance (usually must be more than 1 kOhm).
Temperature sensor (NTC):
Pin C3: Input from Temperature Sensor
(NTC or PTC) 0-5V calibrable by curve
Pin A1: +5V
sensors power supply
Pin A3: Sensors GND
Connect 2700 Ohm pull-up resistor from pin A1 to pin C3
for most OEM sensors. Or use a value recommended by
sensor’s manufacturer.