Quick Access functions
Main controls of display can be reached also while driving (racing) by QUICK ACCESS.
For reaching quick access functions you can use control buttons on remote controller.
NOTE: Please, pay full attention to driving the vehicle and use quick access functions only at the safe places on a race
track !
Quick Acces functions only change parameters, but do not save their values to the memory. So, changes are valide
only till the Dash7 is powered ON. After you turn the device OFF, parameters will be reset to their last saved values.
If you want to change values (eg. brightness) permanently, change them in the MENU and SAVE them.
Menu navigation
After pushing OK button, you will access the MENU. On every menu page you can navigate cursor by arrows and
confirm (or change color) by OK button. Every menu page is different, so there is a HELP TEXT on every page. Help
text is written in green color and give you an information about the button’s function on the actual page.
Remote control
Remote control buttons can be purchased as individual buttons, buttons on PCB, or plastic-encased buttons. The
plastic case can be mounted anywhere in the interior of the car. In the lower part of this plastic case, the wires come
out. For better integration into the cockpit, the user can choose the orientation of the remote control. So the case
can be installed with the wires exiting at the top, bottom or sides. After mounting the box in the desired position,
you can insert the “OK“ button in the correct position. In the menu "Display", you can set the Remote control
orientation to 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°, depending on how you actually mounted it in the car. This function is available
only for GUI V3.6.2KN or higher. Older GUIs use a fixed remote control orientation.