Power is turned ON, but the screen is dark and LEDs are OFF:
Dash7 probably has no power. Check your
power supply and plug again all connectors. With ignition ON, check if voltage between pins B8 and C8 on
the main connector is the same as battery voltage (usually 12-14V, must not be less than 6 and more than
18V!) and if polarity is not reversed. If there is no voltage, check grounding, fuses and switches. Check if
voltage between pins 1 and 6 of PWR connector is about 5V. If everything is as described, contact our tech
Text “INITIALIZING” is flashing more than 3 seconds and message “INITIALIZATION FAILURE” is displayed
The data connection between the main unit and the display unit is probably missing. Check continuity of the
wiring between the Main Unit and the Display unit (main connector and PWR connector). Plug again all
connectors and secure them on its positions. If everything is as described, contact our tech support.
Initialization was successful and you can see data pages, but all gauges shows numbers 888 or 0
: There is
probably a missing connection between the Dash7 and the ECU or there is no data coming from the ECU.
Check connection between Dash7 Main unit and VEMS ECU (RS232 connector) and check if the ECU is
powered ON. Check if your ECU is not “PASSWORD PROTECTED”. If yes, disable password protection (or ask
your tuner), because with password protection activated the ECU do not send out any data in Triggerframe
Dash7 resets while driving or screen flickers:
The display unit probably has a low or unstable supply voltage.
Check the quality of the power supply. Check if Dash7 power supply voltage during driving is not dropping
under 8 volts (normally it should be over 12 or 13V). Check the wiring between main unit and display unit
and secure all connectors on its positions. Check if voltage between pins 1 and 6 in the PWR connector is
about 4.8-5.2V while driving. Check if there is not a broken wire between Main unit and the Display unit. If
everything is as described, contact our tech support.
I can’t see any OnScreen Warning (OSW) Messages even when values are out of their limits
: Probably you
have turned off displaying OnScreen Warning messages. In the menu "Alarms", check that the "OnScreen
Warnings ON/OFF" icon is set to "ON" (icon of the display with a green tick). If not, move your cursor to the
“OSW ON/OFF icon” and press OK button to display the icon with a green tick. You should see a message
“On Screen Warnings ON”. Warning messages can also be turned off temporarily if on some data page the
user presses the "left arrow" button on the remote control. Then a red crossed-out speaker icon will appear
in the corner of the screen. To start displaying the OSW messages again, it is enough if the user presses the
"left arrow" button again (a red crossed-out speaker icon will turn off).
I can’t hear any sound when startup or when warning messages are displayed
: Probably you have your
buzzer turned off. In the menu "Alarms", check that the "Alarm Buzzer ON/OFF" icon is set to "ON" (icon of
the green speaker). If not, move your cursor to the “Alarm Buzzer ON/OFF icon” and press OK button to
display a green speaker icon. Buzzer can also be turned off temporarily if on some data page the user
presses the "left arrow" button on the remote control. Then a red crossed-out speaker icon will appear in
the corner of the screen. To allow buzzer again, it is enough if the user presses the "left arrow" button again
(a red crossed-out speaker icon will turn off).
Buttons on remote control are acting in wrong direction:
You probably have the remote control orientation
set incorrectly. Go to menu “Display” and change the orientation setting of remote controller. This function
is available only for GUI V3.6.2KN or higher. Older GUIs use a fixed remote control orientation.
Cannot control the Dash7 by buttons on the remote controller:
Probably the display unit is not connected
to the buttons or the buttons are faulty. Check if the connector from remote controller (labeled CNTRL) is
connected to the connector CNTRL on the back of the Display unit. Check the continuity between middle pin
(pin7) of CNTRL connector on the display unit and vehicle ground (GND). Unplug CNTRL connector and check
if there is a short circuit between middle pin (pin7) and other pins when you press buttons on the remote
controller. If everything is as described, contact our tech support.
GUI update does not start even if the microSD card is inserted in the display unit:
If microSD card is
inserted correctly and after restarting the Dash7 starts normally (not on the white Update page), the
microSD card is probably faulty or not properly formatted, not inserted correctly or the card does not have a
valid GUI file (*.tft) or there are more than a one *.tft files on the microSD card. If the card is formatted