SD Card Full-datalogger:
If Dash7 was ordered with Full-datalogger, you can save essential data from the ECU to the SD Card during driving.
For start logging only put your SD Card to the slot on a Main unit and set the action when log should start in the
“DATA LOG“ menu and restart Dash7. You can set start logging at every startup, or only when engine is running or
only when car is moving. When full-datalog is active, you can see a small icon (Red circle with word REC or Green
circle with word LOG, depending on GUI version) in the corner of your screen. If there is not this icon, conditions for
datalog are not reached or card is not inserted (or card is damaged or incompatible or not formated right).
SD Card must be formated FAT16 or FAT 32 (usually FAT32) . Use only SD card with capacity up to 8GB (some
microSD HC Class10 cards with SD adapter working well up to 32GB).
Files are saved to the SDcard in CSV format which allows you to open these files in many log viewers (eg.
MegaLogViewer) or other software (Excel, Word, Notepad, etc...). Files are named “LogXXXX.csv“, where XXXX is
sequence number from 0000 to 9999 for every new file. Datalogger always check the SDcard and start searching
from number 0000. If the file with that number does not exist, it will create it and starts logging data to that file. For
better clarity, we recommend not deleting the files from the card, but leaving them there until the card is almost full.
If you decide to delete files from the card or copy them to the PC, we recommend doing so with all files so that the
card remains empty. This avoids mixing up files from several days or runs. The data files are compact size (about
6.7MB for 1 hour of recording), so if you have a big enough SD card, you can record on it for several weeks, months
or even years (for 32GB SD card = 4800+ hours = 200 full days). If the number of files on the SD card exceeds 10000,
a "lastlog.csv" file will be created. This file will always be overwritten with the latest data every time the new log will