Digital inputs for displaying the vehicle lights status (+12V digital inputs)
Pin B1: Input 4 (Low Beam 12V)
Pin B2: Input 5 (High Beam 12V)
Pin B3: Input 6 (Turn signal light LEFT SIDE +12V)
Pin B4: Input 7 (Turn signal light RIGHT SIDE +12V)
Pin B5: Input 8 (Reversing 12V)
Connect wires directly from positive terminals of the bulbs to the Main unit connector.
When the lights turns ON, indicator on the display or warning LED will also turns ON.
The hazard warning light indicator will automatically turn ON if both sides of the turn signals are flashing.
WARNING: NEVER EXCEED 18 Volts on the +12V digital inputs or it may damage your Dash7. Below 9 volts
(eg. during cranking) these inputs can be unstable and switch from ON to OFF unpredictably.
Digital Inputs switched to Ground (GND digital inputs):
Pin A4: Handbrake input switched to ground
Pin A5: Oil Press Switch switched to ground
When input is connected to the ground, indicator on the screen or LED will turns ON. These inputs has internal pull-
up resistors.
These inputs tolerate ONLY GROUND (0 Volt) or MAX +5 Volts!!! Any other voltage will damage your