A program contains a sequence of commands on how and
when to operate the products.
There are three different program types:
• My program
A personal program that will be activated automatically
without using the remote control.
For instance you can record a morning program to run
up the roller shutters in the bedroom, open the windows
and turn on the frame lights between 07.00 and 07.15
on weekdays from October to April.
• Shortcut P1/P2
A personal program that can be activated by using the
shortcut keys.
For instance you can record and save a program under
shortcut key P1 to close all windows in the house and
draw all blinds down by 50%.
• Energy Balance
A pre-defined program that will be enabled via the
remote control and then run automatically.
The program controls the exterior sunscreening prod-
ucts and contributes to optimising the energy balance
of the building. In this way, you save energy for the
heating and cooling of the building.