Fit C20 and C21, 100nF (market 104)
Fit C22L and C22R, 100nF MKM capacitors.
Fit C23L and C23R, 47nF MKM capacitors.
Fir C24L and C24R, 15pF ceramic capacitors.
Fit pcb-pins for the in- and outputs (also for the tapeRECord output) (30 alltogether).
Cover the broad power supply leads (underside of the pcb) along their whole length
with solder.
Fit C11 through C15, 100nF Sibatit capacitors.
Fit the voltage regulator VR1, type UA7815 or equivalent. Proceed as follows (see
also fig. 2) :
First bend the connection leads (the metal plate of the regulator will be touching the
heatsink), insert them in the holes, and fix the regulator, together with the large
heatsink, using a bolt and a nut. The nut must come at the component side! Now
solder the connections.
Fit VR2, type UA7915 or equivalent, in the same way as VR1, however this time with
the small heatsink. ATTENTION: make sure that the cooling plates are in the right
position and do not touch other components, because otherwise you may cause a
fatal short circuit!
Fit VR3, type 7815 (metal face C20)
Fit the electrolytic capacitors. Pay attention to the polarity!
C5R, C6R, C5L, and C6L, 4,7uF
C7R, C8R, C7L, and C8L, 1uF
C16, C17, C18, and C19, 10uF
C9R, C9L, C10 and C25, 220uF
Fit the leds LD1 through LD5 (L and R), AT THE SOLDER SIDE. Pay attention to the
polarity: the cathode (shortest wire) must correspond with the flat side on the drawing
on the pcb. Fitting the leds must be done very carefully: the leds must be all in a line,
and AT THE RIGHT HEIGHT. The top of the leds must be flush with the upper side of
the front plate, however without sticking out. When using e.g. 20mm long spacer
tubes, and a 3mm thick front plate, the upper side of the leds must be at 23mm above
the pcb. To facilitate eventual corrections, it is better to solder only one wire of all the
leds, until they are perfectly aligned. To change the height, you first must reheat the
solder, because otherwise you will damage the copper traces!
Fit red leds for LD1, yellow ones for LD2, and green ones for LD3, LD4, and LD5.
When all the leds are at their right position, you can solder the second lead too. Check
for short-circuits.
Fix the potentiometers, with their spindles at the solder side. Use short pieces of
unisolated wire to connect them (see fig. 3).
RV1, 10K mono linear (marked LIN or A)
RV2R/L, 100K stereo logarithmic (marked LOG or B)
RV3R/L, 100K stereo linear (marked LIN or A)
RV4R/L, 100K stereo linear
RV5R/L, 100K stereo logarithmic (marked LOG or B)
Fit the selection switch SW2. Proceed as follows:
Unscrew the nut and remove the spring washer. Under the spring washer you will find
another metal ring. When constructing a large mixing panel model, with monitor and
effects outputs, that ring may remain in place. However, when making a model without