Most of the keypads mainly controls “Going In” with user codes and controls “Going Out” simply
pressing an egress bu�on. However, in some situa�ons, providing some warning and delay are
desirable before the door is open a�er pressing the egress bu�on. For example, in hospitals or
schools, it may be desirable to delay the egress opera�on and provide a warning to prevent pa�ents
or young children from easily leaving the protected area.
An egress bu�on programmed with egress delay & warning does not affect the normal opera�on
of the keypad. The user codes are always the first priority to operate output 1 to actuate the door
It is not necessary to do anything if egress delay is not required. Just leave the egress bu�on on its
default se�ng.
Egress Modes
0 to 4
The Five Egress Modes:
Momentary Contact with no warning and delay
Press the egress bu�on momentarily, Output 1 ac�vates instantly to open the door.
Momentary Contact with 5 seconds delay and warning beep
Press the egress bu�on momentarily, the keypad will beep for 5 seconds before Output 1
Momentary Contact with 10 seconds delay and warning beep
Press the egress bu�on momentary, the keypad will beep for 10 seconds before Output 1
Hold contact for 5 seconds with warning beep
Press and hold the egress bu�on for 5 seconds and the keypad will beep for those 5 seconds
before Output 1 ac�vates.
Hold contact for 10 seconds with warning beep
Press and hold the egress bu�on for 10 seconds and the keypad will beep for those 10
seconds before Output 1 ac�vates.
Programming & Operation Examples :
1. Set keypad to programming mode with master code and
key. Taking the previous
programmed master code
3 2 8 9
as example here:
2. Program the egress bu�on with 5 seconds delay momentarily mode:
--- Press the egress bu�on momentary, the keypad will beep for 5 seconds before the
door is open to warn that someone is preparing to exit the protected area.
3. Program the egress bu�on with 5 seconds delay hold contact mode:
--- Press and hold the egress bu�on for 5 seconds. The keypad will beep for those 5
seconds before the door is Open to warn that someone is preparing to exit the
protected area .
4. Program the egress bu�on to return to default se�ng:
--- Press the egress bu�on momentarily, the door is open instantly without warning.
5. Exit programming mode by pressing the
Egress Delay & Warning (Location 85)