- 2 -
5. Terminal Block (#14)
Poles 1-3 provide dry contact inputs for wired detectors:
- connect pole 1-4 for PIR detectors, door contacts, water detectors, panic buttons and broken glass detectors.
- connect pole 2-4 for smoke and gas detectors.
- connect pole 3-4 for medical emergency buttons.
Poles 4-5 provide constant 12Vdc output for the detectors: pole 4 is for negative polarity, pole 5 for positive polarity.
You can also set the polarity of the terminal block yourself:
1. In normal mode, press the "SET" key to enter programming mode ; the yellow LED will light up
2. Enter the "Pole designating number": "7" for pole 1, "8" for pole 2, "9" for pole 3.
3. Enter the "Polarity designating number": "0" for negative polarity (default), "1" for positive polarity.
4. Program the other poles by repeating the previous steps for each pole.
6. Mounting
You can mount the device on the wall or place it on a flat surface ("table mounting").
For table mounting, clip the bracket (#18) onto the device as shown on the right.
For wall mounting: fix the mounting bracket (#16) to the wall with both
provided sets of screws and dowels, and hang the device on the bracket.
NOTE: you can also use the provided double-sided foam tape for quick and
easy mounting. If you should choose this option, make sure the mounting surface
is smooth and any possible paint is not cracked or peeling.
7. Tuning the CTC717 to the control panel ("learning")
1. Make sure the "Learn" switch (#15) is set to OFF.
2. Supply power to the dialler as indicated in "
3. Power Supply
" on page 1.
3. Set the "Learn" switch to ON. The green and yellow LEDs will start to flash to indicate the dialler is in learn mode.
4. Tune the dialler to the control panel by entering "000000" on the control panel and pressing the "arming" or
"disarming" button. The dialler will respond with a two-tone beep to indicate successful learning.
When the learn code is received an the learn-in process is completed, the green LED will flash rapidly during 30
seconds and will then return to flashing together with the yellow LED.
5. Set the "Learn" switch back to OFF to exit learn mode.
The LEDs will stop flashing and the green LED will be lit to indicate the dialler has returned to normal mode.
NOTE: the learning code is now stored into EEPROM and will not be lost during power failure.
8. Configuring the CTC717
a. Store Telephone Numbers
1. From normal mode, press the "SET" (#7) key to enter programming mode. The yellow LED will light up.
2. Enter the "priority order number" ; there are two kinds:
a) by singular sequence: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 - in this sequence, the dialler will dial the numbers in order.
b) by alarm event: if the dialler is triggered by an alarm event, it will dial these nos.:
1) Burglar / panic / technical alarm: 21 & 22
2) Fire / gas alarm: 31 & 32
3) Medical alarm: 41 & 42
If no phone number has been stored for a particular event, the dialler will automatically dial other available
alarm event phone numbers.
3. Enter the phone number (27 digits max) and press "SET" to confirm.