12 Supplement
VEGADIF 85 • Profibus PA
12.2 Device communication Profibus PA
In the following, the necessary device-specific details are shown. You can find further information of
Profibus PA on www.profibus.com
Instrument master file
The instrument master file (GSD) contains the characteristic data of the Profibus PA instrument.
These data are, e.g. the permissible transmission rates as well as information on diagnostics values
and the format of the measured value output by the PA instrument.
A bitmap file is also provided for the Profibus network planning tool. This file is installed automati
cally when the GSD file is integrated. The bitmap file is used for symbolic indication of the PA instru
ment in the configuration tool.
ID number
Each Profibus instrument gets an unambiguous ident number (ID number) from the Profibus user
organisation (PNO). This ID number is also included in the name of the GSD file. Optionally in ad
dition to this manufacturer-specific GSD file, PNO also provides a general so-called profile-specific
GSD file. If the general GSD file is used, the sensor must be set to the profile-specific ident number
via the DTM software. By default, the sensor operates with the manufacturer-specific ID number.
When using the instruments on a segment coupler SK-2 or SK-3, no special GSD files are required.
The following table shows the instrument ID and the GSD file names for the VEGADIF 85.
Device name
Instrument ID
GSD file name
Instrument class in
profile 3.02
Cyclical data traffic
The Primary class 1 (e.g. PLC) cyclically reads out measured values from the sensor during opera
tion. The below block diagram below shows which data can be accessed by the PLC.