6 Set up the sensor with the display and adjustment module
VEGADIF 85 • Profibus PA
Additional adjustments
Menu item
Default value
Actual date/Actual time
Copy instrument settings
Special parameters
No reset
Scaling size
Volume in l
Scaling format
0 % corresponds to 0 l
100 % corresponds to 0 l
DP flow element
0 % corresponds to 0 kg/s
100 % corresponds to 1 kg/s
The instrument settings are copied with this function. The following
functions are available:
Read from sensor
: Read data from sensor and store into the
display and adjustment module
Write into sensor:
Store data from the display and adjustment
module back into the sensor
The following data or settings for adjustment of the display and ad
justment module are saved:
All data of the menu "
" and "
In the menu "
Additional adjustments
" the items "
Reset, Date/
The user-programmable linearization curve
The copied data are permanently saved in an EEPROM memory in
the display and adjustment module and remain there even in case of
power failure. From there, they can be written into one or more sen
sors or kept as backup for a possible electronics exchange.
Before the data are saved in the sensor, a safety check is carried out
to determine if the data match the sensor. In the process the sensor
type of the source data as well as the target sensor are displayed. If
the data do not match, a fault message is outputted or the function is
blocked. The data are saved only after release.
In this menu item, the units for the DP flow element are determined
and the selection of mass or volume flow is carried out.
Copy instrument settings
Characteristics values DP
flow element