Although multiple users could simultaneously log-in to the same test set, they would be sharing the same mirrored GUI image
and mouse control. This is not recommended since it is equivalent to having multiple users trying to operate one test set at the same
time (also known as “mouse fight”). Nonetheless, it may be effective for training purposes with one or two extra users.
1. From a PC, Mac, Tablet or Smartphone launch an industry-standard Web Browser application and enter the URL
. (without the www.). Enable pop-ups for your browswe and be sure to authorize access to the
site, if confirmation is requested by the browser or OS.
2. Enter the
>Session ID
provided, making sure not to confuse zeroe
(0) with Os. Click on
to find the target test set
and stablish a peer-to-peer connection.
3. Once verified and connected, wait for the remote user interface to refresh. This may take a few seconds.
4. Depending on the type of test set used, shortcut buttons may be provided below the mirrored screen, allowing access to
functions provided by physical buttons on the instrument, such as
Save Test
results. Click or tap on the
shortcut to activate it.
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