- POH TX which allows editing of select bytes associated with the Path Overhead. Editing of J1, C2, H4, G1, Z5, and J2, V5, Z6
is permitted as follows;
o Hexadecimal value using pop up keypad
o Binary values using simple on-screen bit toggle or pop-up keypad
o Convenient pull down selections. In some instances, the pull down options will be available over multiple pages
While programming of most overhead bytes is possible using the OH Generator feature, dedicated functions are available
for Pointer Tasks, Payload Labels, Trace Identifier, APS Testing, TCM testing. In some instances, more advanced editing is
possible using the dedicated functions.
- Summary displays the Path Trace Identifiers (J0, J1, J2 ), APS (K1, K2), Synchronization status (S1), and HP (C2)
and LP (V5) Signal Label bytes. The operation is the same as the Overhead Analyzer function
10.3 SONET Functions > Pointer Tasks
Tap the Pointer Tasks icon to display the Pointer testing screens.
TX150 e-Manual D07-00-023 Rev A02
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