Console Installation
Wiring Conduit Safety Issues
Wiring Conduit Safety Issues
Wiring between the console and the probes and sensors is of limited electrical power so that there is insufficient
energy to ignite fuel. In the console, the low power, probe and sensor wiring is considered intrinsically safe
because it is physically isolated from all high power wiring. To maintain the integrity of this safety feature, you must
install probe and sensor wiring in separate conduits from all other wiring. In addition, probe and sensor conduits
can only enter the console through the designated intrinsically safe area knockouts.
NOTE: Wiring from separate probes and sensors may be run in the same conduit or trough provided they are
powered by the same console. Improper system operation will result if probe and sensor wiring to separate
consoles share the same conduit. Do not run probe and sensor wiring to separate consoles in the same conduit.
Do not run probe and sensor wiring with other equipment’s intrinsically safe wiring in the same conduit. Improper
system operation could also occur if the conduit locking nuts attaching conduit to the console are not tightened
sufficiently to score the console’s paint film and make good metal-to-metal contact. For proper grounding use
grounding/bonding set screw conduit locknuts to achieve a good conduit-to-console metal bond.
Probes and sensors operate in areas where flammable liquids and explosive
vapors may be present.
Improper installation may result in fire or explosion causing serious injury or
Practice the following:
1. Read thoroughly and follow the instructions shipped with each probe and
2. Probe and sensor wiring conduit must not contain any other wires.
3. Probe and sensor wiring and conduits must enter the console only
through their designated areas.
4. Power and communication wires and conduit must not enter the
intrinsically safe area of the console.