vehicle is operated during winter or is
left for storage without drying after a
wash, the destructive effect on the
paint finish will multiply.
If you are planning to leave the vehi-
cle for a long period under a shed or in
a cold garage during winter, disconnect
the battery and the car radio and take
them away for separate safekeeping;
also drain the washer fluid.
For indoors keeping with the sun-
light coming in cover the vehicle body
and tyres with a permeable canvas.
Use of watertight covers (e.g. tarpaulin,
polyethylene, etc.) without holes for
windscreen and rear window ventilation
results in water condensation and
eventually damages the paint finish.
For outdoors keeping when a can-
vas is used do not allow it to touch
painted parts of the vehicle body to pre-
vent paint damage (blistering, spalling,
etc.). Place soft pads at least 20 mm
thick between the vehicle body and the
canvas to allow proper ventilation.
To prepare the vehicle for a long
1. Wash the vehicle and wipe it dry.
Remove corrosion, repaint spalling
spots and coat the body with a preser-
vative compound.
2. Start the engine and allow it to
warm up. Stop the engine, remove the
spark plugs and fill each cylinder with
25-30 g of motor oil heated to 70-80°C,
then make 10-15 crankshaft rotations
and replace the sparkplugs.
3. Disconnect the warm air intake
pipe from the air cleaner. Use oilpaper
or oilcloth to close:
— air cleaner intake openings;
— muffler tailpiece;
4. Cover the engine with tarpaulin,
polyethylene or oilpaper.
5. Place the vehicle on supports so
that the wheels do not touch the
6. Cover the vehicle with a canvas.
7. Fully charge the storage battery
and take it away for storage in a dry
and moderately cool place.
Service the vehicle once every two
months of storage as follows:
1. Remove the cover and visually
inspect the vehicle. Abrade and repaint
corroded spots.
2. Remove the sparkplugs, shift into
the 5th gear, rotate the front wheel 2-3
times and replace the spark plugs.
3. Rotate the steering wheel 1-1.5
turns in each direction. Depress (3-5
times) the brake, the clutch and the
accelerator pedals, and apply (3-5
times) the handbrake.
RE2115eng 23/04/2002 15:23 Page 45