Overloading may damage the suspen-
sion, cause tyre wear and loss of vehi-
cle stability. Overall cargo weight,
including cargo at the roof rack, should
not exceed 50 kg.
Never drive at a high speed on
rough roads, since sharp shocks may
damage the suspension or the under-
Brakes design ensures efficient
braking. Nevertheless, always try to
brake gently and avoid hard braking.
Never switch off ignition or take the
key out of the ignition switch while dri-
ving. When the engine is off, no vacu-
um is supplied to the power brakes,
hence, a higher force is required on the
brake pedal to stop the vehicle.
Moreover, if the ignition key is
removed, the steering wheel will be
locked and you lose steering control.
In the event of a break or fault devel-
oping in one brake circuit, the other cir-
cuit ensures an effective stop of the
vehicle. When this happens, the pedal
travel increases and braking perfor-
mance fades, which at the first instant
can be interpreted as a complete brak-
ing system failure. Should this be the
case, do not release the pedal and do
not depress it repeatedly — it will only
result in a longer braking path. Instead,
hold the pedal down for maximum brak-
ing efficiency.
The antilock braking system (ABS)
is an optional part of car equipment,
which prevents wheel lock-up during
braking and, as a result, retains the
vehicle’s steerability and minimum
braking distance practically under any
driving conditions. However, on loose
surfaces (gravel, sand or snow) the
braking distance may somewhat
increase, as compared to the braking
distance with the wheels locked up.
The antilock function becomes
active at speeds above 8 km/h and is
felt as slight pulsation of the brake
pedal accompanied by light noise com-
ing from the ABS components. If the
ABS tell-tale illuminates (except during
self-testing at ignition switch-on), it indi-
cates a fault within the system, which
must be eliminated at your dealer’s. A
faulty ABS does not in any way inca-
pacitate power braking.
To allow unhindered operation of the
ABS, do not fit the vehicle with different
size tyres.
Fig. 31. Towing eyes
RE2115eng 23/04/2002 15:23 Page 28