VT190 DiamondVue User Guide 150-065
Touch Screen Definition Cont.
Connecting the touch screen
1. Make sure all optional cables have been received.
2. Connect one end of the 6 foot touch screen serial cable to the touch screen port D9
connector on the side of the monitor.
3. Connect the other end to any communications port on the host computer.
Tighten the captive screws on the cable connector to secure it
Touch Screen Serial Interface
All touch controllers are configured by default to provide serial communications at 9600 baud,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. For Vartech flat panels equipped with touch screens, a serial
communications cable is required. This 6 foot cable comes with the unit in the accessory kit.
The cable is a straight wired serial (RS-232) cable with a male
DE-9 D-shell connector on the monitor end. The cable provides a communications channel
between the touch screen controller, which is mounted inside the monitor, and an RS-232
serial port on the host computer.
Because the touch controller obtains power from the monitor's power supply, no external touch
power connections are necessary.
Software supplied with the touch screen must be loaded on the host computer to handle
communications with the touch controller over the channel.
Because the touch screen emulates a mouse, there may be compatibility issues involving how
the touch screen emulates mouse buttons, especially multiple buttons.
Setting up the Touch Screen Interface
Enabling the Touch Screen Interface
The Flat Panel Monitor provides a female DE-9 connector for the touch interface.
This connector provides the serial interface for the touch controller.
Interconnecting wiring to the host serial port connection is shown in the following table
Touch screen Interface
(DCE Device)
DE-9 (Female)
Host (DTE Device)
DE-9 (Male)
DB-25 (Male)
Not Connected (DCD)
1 8
Transmit Data (TXD)
2 3
Receive Data (RXD)
3 2
Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
4 20
Common Signal Return (SG)
5 7
Not Connected (DSR)
6 6
Request To Send (RTS)
7 4
Clear To Send (CTS)
8 5
Not Connected
9 22
Signal Description