FRG-700 Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge
Products manufactured by Seller are warranted against defects
in materials and workmanship for twelve (12) months from date
of shipment thereof to Customer, and Seller’s liability under valid
warranty claims is limited, at the option of Seller, to repair, to re-
place, or refund of an equitable portion of the purchase price of
the Product. Items expendable in normal use are not covered by
this warranty. All warranty replacement or repair of parts shall be
limited to equipment malfunctions which, in the sole opinion of
Seller, are due or traceable to defects in original materials or
workmanship. All obligations of Seller under this warranty shall
cease in the event of abuse, accident, alteration, misuse, or
neglect of the equipment. In-warranty repaired or replaced parts
are warranted only for the remaining unexpired portion of the
original warranty period applicable to the repaired or replaced
parts. After expiration of the applicable warranty period, Custo-
mer shall be charged at the then current prices for parts, labor,
and transportation.
Reasonable care must be used to avoid hazards. Seller expres-
sly disclaims responsibility for loss or damage caused by use of
its Products other than in accordance with proper operating pro-
Except as stated herein, Seller makes no warranty, express or
implied (either in fact or by operation of law), statutory or other-
wise; and, except as stated herein, Seller shall have no liability
under any warranty, express or implied (either in fact or by oper-
ation of law), statutory or otherwise. Statements made by any
person, including representatives of Seller, which are inconsis-
tent or in conflict with the terms of this warranty shall not be bin-
ding upon Seller unless reduced to writing and approved by an
officer of Seller.