Models 947, 948 and 960 Leak Detectors Operations and Service Manual
1.6 Service Pendant
The service pendant is used to set and display parameters for the 947/948/960 Leak
Detector. It is a handheld terminal with a 40-key keypad and a 20 character x 4 line backlit
LCD display (see Figure 1-6). The service pendant is stored in the turret and connects to the
947/948/960 using a six-foot cable that connects to an RS-232 serial port (J1, a 9-pin
D sub connector) located inside the lockable turret.
The service pendant is used to monitor and set up:
Reject set point
Crossover pressures
Auto sequence parameters
Ion Source parameters
System setup parameters (such as the value of the calibrated leak)
Refer to “Using the Pendant for Parameter Setup” on page 3-17 for further information on
the operation of the service pendant.
Figure 1-6
Service Pendant
Service Pendant