Installing and Coldloading 650 Series Software
Selecting a Predesigned Configuration
Selecting a Predesigned Configuration
The Vanguard 650 Series must be configured to your specific application to function
properly. To help you with this activity, several pre-set configuration memory files
(CMEMs) have been developed which will likely meet your needs. You will find
these configurations, along with a detailed description of the application they were
designed to address, on the Vanguide 5.1 CD-ROM that was shipped with your
Vanguard 650 Series.
Saving and
Restoring CMEMs
The Vanguard 650 Series lets you save and restore a node’s configuration memory
(CMEM). Saving a configuration retains a copy of your configuration on a PC disk
so you can retrieve it later, should you need to restore it. A configuration is restored
when it is retrieved from a PC disk and placed into a node’s CMEM. Restoration of a
CMEM is typically used for error recovery.
This table shows the two methods for saving and restoring CMEMs.
To Use . . .
See . . .
using the CTP (Kermit or TFTP)
See “Saving and Restoring Configura-
tions Using Kermit” on page 21 and
“Saving and Restoring Configurations
Using TFTP” on page 23
using Vanguide®, which is supplied on
the Vanguide 5.1 CD-ROM
See “Selecting a Predesigned Configu-
ration” on page 19.