Installing and Coldloading 650 Series Software
Installing Software
Loading Software via TFTP Download
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is the Internet standard protocol for file
transfer. TFTP transfers software images without regard to content. It provides
packet sequencing to ensure proper delivery order, and uses checksum to ensure data
Before You Begin
If you are using TFTP to download either Base or Boot PROM, software, you must
have purchased the factory installed SAK for this feature. If you are using TFTP to
download an option image, this SAK is not required. Refer to the “Enabling a SAK”
section in
Getting Started
for additional information.
If you intend to TFTP download both base software and an optional image, we
suggests that you download your optional image first.
The software download operation is not destructive to the current operating
software until the new software image begins loading (i.e., it does not
immediately corrupt the Flash memory). This means that, if the download is
interrupted for any reason, the node can return to its present operating condition.
Ensure that the software you wish to download resides on the TFTP server, and
obtain the filename. Also obtain the IP address of the server. PING the node to verify
that you have IP connectivity between the TFTP server and the 650 node.
Access the control port, and select
Update Software from the Main
The Update Software menu