Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
(According to EN 45014)
This Declaration of Conformity has been generated electronically and is legally binding without signature
M an ufacturer:
V alco Melton
A div ision of V alco
Cincin nati, Inco rporated
4 11 Circle Free wa y Driv e
Cincin nati, OH 452 46
Au tho rized Re pres enta tiv es in
E urop e:
V alco Cincinna ti, Ltd.
U nit 7 -8
H orton woo d 32
T elford T F1 7 YN
E ngla nd
M elton S.L .U
Pol. Industrial
calle G, n. 34
31160 Orcoye
Navarra, Spain
declares that the product:
P rodu ct Name :
DD-1 Pum p
(built a fter 9/20 06)
complies with the following Council Directives:
S afety of M ac hine ry:
2 006/42/E C
L ow Voltage E quip men t:
2 006/95/E C
2 004/108/EC
and conforms to the following standards :
S afety:
E N60 204-1:20 06
E N13 849-1
E N14 121-1:20 07
E MC Emis sion s:
E N61 000-6-4:2 007
E N61 000-4-2
E MC Imm unity:
E N61 000-6-2:2 005
E N61 000-4-3
E N61 000-4-4
E N61 000-4-5
E N61 000-4-6
E N61 000-4-8
E N61 000-4-11
P lace and Date:
Cincin nati, Ohio US A
CE M ark first fixed 2006
S igna ture:
David H. S wed es,
Director of Eng ineering &
M anufactu ring