Fault codes and software
email: [email protected] Tel: +358 (0)201 212 575 Fax: +358 (0)204 335 091
Changes in applications:
Multipurpose: Parameter set did not work when command was given right after run
status. Corrected
PID, Multipurpose and PFC: Pt100 sensor can be connected now also alternatively
only to Pt100 input # 3 or to inputs # 2 & 3. Parameter ID739 (Number of Pt100
inputs in use) has 2 new setting alternatives which are 4 = Pt100 sensors con-
nected only to input # 3.
10. 3. 2. 9. NXS00001V168
Replaced version: NXS00001V167.VCN
System software version: 11.71.8251
Changes in system software:
When start is done by using flying start mode and motor safety is open, the unit
does not increase output voltage until safety switch is closed. Prevents overcurrent
trip when closing safety switch.
When s-curves were programmed to be active and software was performing s-curve
on the end of acceleration or decleration, the change of frequency reference was
not going through. Changed so that new reference is taking into account immedi-
ately even that s-curve calculation and performing is going on.
10. 3. 2. 10. NXS00001V169
Replaced version: NXS00001V168.VCN
System software version: 11.72.8392
Changes in system software:
Sine filter parameter added into system menu (S6.7.5). Default is “Not conn.” and
other alternative is “Connected”, which should be used when sine filter is connected
in series to the motor. Parameter sets values of motor control stabilizers to corre-
spond better the motor circuit with sine filter and also disable the switching fre-
quency fold-back in case of high heatsink temperature. Note: NCDrive will support
Sine filter parameter, starting from NCDrive version 2.0.11.
Changes in applications:
Added new Start function alternative “Conditional Flying start” (Parameter ID505 =
2). When function is activated, the unit performs flying start as usual in normal con-
ditions but if during motor running the motor circuit is opened for example by
means of safety switch, the unit switches over to motor detection mode until safety
switch is closed. After closing the switch, the unit starts normal operation by mak-
ing flying start.
Easy keypad control selection is added (not in Multipurpose control application).
When arrow left button is pressed longer than 5 s, the unit switches over to panel
control and keypad reference is displayed. Note! this mode supports not any panel