UTT Technologies Application
http://www.uttglobal.com Page 64
Set Password Access:
Select to set password.
User Name:
Specify the name which users use to access cloud storage.
Specify the password which users use to access cloud storage.
Confirm Password:
Enter the password again.
There are two ways to access cloud storage:
For local users:
1) Double-click 'My Computer', enter
( is the IP address of LAN
port.) in the address bar to open the shared resources folder.
2) Double-click 'My Computer', enter ftp:\\ ( is the IP address of LAN
port.) in the address bar to open the shared resources folder.
For remote users:
1) Double-click 'My Computer', enter\\\uttShare ( is the IP address
of WAN port.) in the address bar to open the shared resources folder.
2) Double-click 'My Computer', enter ftp:\\ ( is the IP address of
WAN port.) in the address bar to open the shared resources folder.
4.28 IP/MAC Binding
The Device provides IP/MAC binding feature to implement user identification. Using the IP/MAC
address pair as a unique user identity, you can protect the Device and your network against IP
spoofing attacks. IP spoofing attack refers to the situation when an attacker host attempts to use
another trusted host’s IP address to connect to or pass through the Device. The attacker can easily
change the host’s IP address to any trusted address, but difficult to change its MAC address as it is
burned to the Ethernet card at factory.
The IP/MAC binding feature allows you to add the IP and MAC address pairs of trusted LAN hosts
in the
IP/MAC Binding List
. Note that in the
IP/MAC Binding List
, you can allow or block Internet
access for each IP/MAC binding host. After you have added a LAN host’s IP and MAC address pair
into the
IP/MAC Binding List
, if
check box is selected (check mark
appears), it will allow
the host to access the Device and Internet, else block the user.
4.28.1 The Operation Principle of IP/MAC Binding
For the sake of convenience, we firstly introduce several related terms including legal user, illegal
user and undefined user.
Legal User: A legal user’s IP and MAC address pair matches an IP/MAC binding, of which the
check box is selected.